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Estimate Your Business Intelligence Software Costs

Please answer a few questions about your business needs to help our experts estimate your service cost quicker.


*What kind of BI do you need to cover?

*Which industry is the BI solution intended for?

*What is your current data volume?


If you don’t know the data size in TB, describe it as the number of data records: e.g., orders, payments, cases, customer interactions, sensor readings.

*What data volume growth do you expect during the next 12 months?

How many users will use the BI solution?

*What is the share of users who will use your BI solution daily?


Different user groups may have different use frequencies. If you know these details, please provide them below.

*Which data sources will your BI solution integrate with?

*How promptly should changes in source data be reflected in your BI solution?

*Do you have any preferences for the environment?

*Do you have any tech stack preferences, incl. cloud platforms?

*Do you have any requirements for data visualization?


E.g., specialized self-service dashboards for different user roles, non-standard charts, accessible design.

*Are there any compliance requirements for your BI solution? Check all that apply.

Your contact data

Preferred way of communication:

Thank you for your request!

We will analyze your case and get back to you within a business day to share a ballpark estimate.

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How Much Does It Cost to Implement a Business Intelligence Solution?

The cost of implementing business intelligence may range from $80,000 to 1,000,000+. The major business intelligence cost factors include the number of data sources, the diversity of user roles, data volume and complexity, the sophistication level of data cleansing algorithms, the presence of ML/AI-powered features, industry-related specifics, and more. Below, you can see a more deailed cost breakdown: from a basic solution to an advanced system powered by big data and ML/AI techs.

Basic solution

Medium-complexity solution

Advanced solution

Data sources

Up to 2 core data sources, e.g., ERP, CRM, EHR (for healhcare).

Up to 7 data sources.

Multiple internal and third-party systems, including IoT apps and devices.

Data nature and complexity

Structured data that arrives at scheduled intervals.

Structured and unstructured data, including images, text, video.

  • All data types coming in unpredicted patterns.
  • Support for region-related specifics (e.g., different taxation systems).
Data processing specifics

Batch data processing (e.g., once every 12 hours).

Batch and real-time processing.

Batch and real-time processing, including big data.

OLAP tools

Online Analytical Processing (OLAP) tools present data present data in different dimensions, enabling users to consolidate, drill down, slice, and dice it from different perspectives.


Via market-available reporting and visualization tools such as  Microsoft Power BI, Tableau.

Via market-available reporting and visualization tools such as Microsoft Power BI, Tableau.

Via market-available reporting and visualization tools + custom data visualization modules.

Analytics complexity

Rule-based analytics.

Rule-based and ML/AI-powered analytics.

  • Rule-based and ML/AI-powered analytics.
  • Real-time and big data analytics.
  • ML training modules for continuous updating of ML models.




Pricing of Popular BI Tools

The costs mentioned above do not cover fees for subscription to business intelligence software. Depending on the plan, the monthly pricing of BI tools subscription can range from $10 to $115 per user. Some BI tools providers charge per the volume of used resources. Below, you can see pricing details of market-leading BI tools.

Power BI

  • Free account: users can create rich, interactive reports.
  • Power BI Pro costs $10/user/month: users can publish and share reports.
  • Power BI Premium costs $20/user/month: users can build reports powered by larger model sizes and enjoy more frequent data refreshes.


Pricing details


  • Enterprise Viewer costs $35/user/month: users can interact with dashboards and visualizations based on enterprise-wide data.
  • Enterprise Explorer costs $75/user/month: users can benefit from self-service analytics.
  • Enterprise Creator costs $115/user/month: users can utilize the whole suite of data analytics tools and enjoy extended data management capabilities.
Pricing details

SQL Server Reporting Service

(included into SQL Server license)

  • On-premises deployment: $3,945–$15,123 per 2-core pack depending on the edition.
  • Cloud deployment: depends on VM size and SQL Server edition (e.g., small configurations can cost about $80/month).
Pricing details


  • Standard plan costs $825/20 users/month: includes interactive data visualization and dashboards, automated report compilation, AI-powered analytics.
  • Premium plan costs $2,500/20 users/month: covers more integrations (e.g., SAP Mainframe and legacy) and enables ML-powered predictive analytics.
Pricing details