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Our Data Projects

Data Analytics System Enabling Cross Analysis of 30,000 Attributes and 100x Faster Reporting

Data Analytics System Enabling Cross Analysis of 30,000 Attributes and 100x Faster Reporting

Big Data Pet-Tracking App Handling 30,000+ Events per Second

Big Data Pet-Tracking App Handling 30,000+ Events per Second

Big Data Solution Providing Insights into Customer Behavior across 30+ Dimensions

Big Data Solution Providing Insights into Customer Behavior across 30+ Dimensions

BI Solution for Phytotherapy Products Life Cycle Analytics with 20+ User-Specific Reports

BI Solution for Phytotherapy Products Life Cycle Analytics with 20+ User-Specific Reports

Data Science Consulting for Electric Energy Consumption Analysis and Forecasting

Data Science Consulting for Electric Energy Consumption Analysis and Forecasting