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Our Software Development Projects

Online Learning Portal for a British University

Online Learning Portal for a British University

Advanced Pay-Per-Post WordPress Plugin For LaterPay GmbH

Advanced Pay-Per-Post WordPress Plugin For LaterPay GmbH

Office Supply Procurement Portal with Cashback Service

Office Supply Procurement Portal with Cashback Service

Phone Case Styling App Rated 4+ on iOS and Android

Phone Case Styling App Rated 4+ on iOS and Android

Mobile-to-Web Tourist Photo Management System for Fotaflo

Mobile-to-Web Tourist Photo Management System for Fotaflo

Desktop and Android IMS Software for Multi-Channel Business Communication

Desktop and Android IMS Software for Multi-Channel Business Communication

User-Friendly Web App for Conference and Meeting Room Scheduling

User-Friendly Web App for Conference and Meeting Room Scheduling

.NET-Based Software for Fast and Transparent Employee Performance Assessment

.NET-Based Software for Fast and Transparent Employee Performance Assessment