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Our Software Development Projects

Magento Webstore for Countrywide Greengrocery Delivery

Magento Webstore for Countrywide Greengrocery Delivery

Web App to Help Physiotherapy Patients Track Pain Levels

Web App to Help Physiotherapy Patients Track Pain Levels

Advanced Pay-Per-Post WordPress Plugin For LaterPay GmbH

Advanced Pay-Per-Post WordPress Plugin For LaterPay GmbH

Pay-Per-Post Software for a Prominent German Journalist’s Blog

Pay-Per-Post Software for a Prominent German Journalist’s Blog

Personalized Phone Case Design App with Automated Product Ordering

Personalized Phone Case Design App with Automated Product Ordering

Advertising and Loyalty Program Extension for Magento Webstores

Advertising and Loyalty Program Extension for Magento Webstores

Web Platform for P2P Photography Services and Photo Processing Automation

Web Platform for P2P Photography Services and Photo Processing Automation

Evolved Hotel Booking App to Enable Personalized Back Office User Experience

Evolved Hotel Booking App to Enable Personalized Back Office User Experience

Digital Customer Experience Improvement in Magento Apparel Webstore

Digital Customer Experience Improvement in Magento Apparel Webstore