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Our Software Development Projects

Monitoring System for Proactive Maintenance of Mobile App Servers

Monitoring System for Proactive Maintenance of Mobile App Servers

Web and Mobile Apps for Automated Gaming Analytics to Drive Better Player Experience

Web and Mobile Apps for Automated Gaming Analytics to Drive Better Player Experience

RFID-Enabled Smart Farming Application for Livestock Management

RFID-Enabled Smart Farming Application for Livestock Management

Reengineering and Re-Architecting Legacy Accounting Software Product into SaaS

Reengineering and Re-Architecting Legacy Accounting Software Product into SaaS

Cross-Platform Dating App with Profile Matching Mechanism

Cross-Platform Dating App with Profile Matching Mechanism

Easy-to-Use Platform for Automated Facebook App Creation and Management

Easy-to-Use Platform for Automated Facebook App Creation and Management

Information Security Management Application Implementation

Information Security Management Application Implementation

Automated BizTalk Platform for Cost-Effective SaaS Service Delivery

Automated BizTalk Platform for Cost-Effective SaaS Service Delivery

Airline Contract and Tender Management Automation Software

Airline Contract and Tender Management Automation Software

Android App for Meme Generation and Social Sharing

Android App for Meme Generation and Social Sharing