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Our Software Development Projects

Year-Long Evolution of a Ride-Hailing App Available in 15 Countries

Year-Long Evolution of a Ride-Hailing App Available in 15 Countries

Field Audit Mobile App for Burger King, KFC, and Friday’s

Field Audit Mobile App for Burger King, KFC, and Friday’s

Restaurant Queue Management iOS App Built in 2 Months

Restaurant Queue Management iOS App Built in 2 Months

Microservices-Based Backend for an Innovative Self-Service App Used in 15 Large European Hotels

Microservices-Based Backend for an Innovative Self-Service App Used in 15 Large European Hotels

Field Audit App for Restaurant and Shop Inspections

Field Audit App for Restaurant and Shop Inspections

User-Friendly Web App for Conference and Meeting Room Scheduling

User-Friendly Web App for Conference and Meeting Room Scheduling

Web Platform for P2P Photography Services and Photo Processing Automation

Web Platform for P2P Photography Services and Photo Processing Automation

Evolved Hotel Booking App to Enable Personalized Back Office User Experience

Evolved Hotel Booking App to Enable Personalized Back Office User Experience

Flexible, Mobile-Friendly Restaurant Catalog

Flexible, Mobile-Friendly Restaurant Catalog