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Our Software Development Projects

BI Implementation for 200 Healthcare Centers

BI Implementation for 200 Healthcare Centers

IoT-Based Physiotherapy Platform Driving 70% Reduction in Pain and Unneeded Surgeries

IoT-Based Physiotherapy Platform Driving 70% Reduction in Pain and Unneeded Surgeries

Web App to Drive Digital Transformation across Phytotherapeutic Business

Web App to Drive Digital Transformation across Phytotherapeutic Business

10-Year Evolution of Life Sciences Software Products Used by GSK and AstraZeneca

10-Year Evolution of Life Sciences Software Products Used by GSK and AstraZeneca

HIPAA-Compliant Telehealth App Improving Outcomes by 4%

HIPAA-Compliant Telehealth App Improving Outcomes by 4%

EHR-Integrated Telehealth Portal Attracting 10 New Patients Daily

EHR-Integrated Telehealth Portal Attracting 10 New Patients Daily

ISO 12052-Compliant DICOM File Generation and Sharing Software Delivered in 4 Months

ISO 12052-Compliant DICOM File Generation and Sharing Software Delivered in 4 Months

Refactoring a SaaS Advertising Platform and Migrating It to Multi-Tenant Architecture

Refactoring a SaaS Advertising Platform and Migrating It to Multi-Tenant Architecture

BI Solution for Phytotherapy Products Life Cycle Analytics with 20+ User-Specific Reports

BI Solution for Phytotherapy Products Life Cycle Analytics with 20+ User-Specific Reports

AR App PoC to Visualize How a New Drug Treats Brain Disease

AR App PoC to Visualize How a New Drug Treats Brain Disease