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Our Software Development Projects

Quality Management Software to Quickly Find the Root Cause of X-Ray Scan Errors

Quality Management Software to Quickly Find the Root Cause of X-Ray Scan Errors

Financial Portal UI Modernization for Texas Methodist Foundation

Financial Portal UI Modernization for Texas Methodist Foundation

Telehealth App Audit and Refactoring to Launch a HIPAA-Compliant MVP

Telehealth App Audit and Refactoring to Launch a HIPAA-Compliant MVP

Migrating 1M+ Lines of Code from PowerBuilder to .NET C#

Migrating 1M+ Lines of Code from PowerBuilder to .NET C#

Audit and Improvement Roadmap for SharePoint Environment with 5 Farms and 120 Servers

Audit and Improvement Roadmap for SharePoint Environment with 5 Farms and 120 Servers