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An official AWS partner

since 2017

35 years in IT

delivering project success no matter what

750+ IT experts

who love what they do

Over 4,000 success stories

including our projects for Walmart, eBay, PerkinElmer, Baxter, and IBM

Our Offices

North America

  McKinney, TX, United States  

5900 S. Lake Forest Drive, Suite 300

McKinney, Dallas area, TX-75070

+1 214 306 6837

+1 972 454 4730


  Atlanta, GA, United States

3372 Peachtree Rd., Suite 115

Atlanta, GA-30326

+1 972 454 4730


  Mexico City, Mexico

229 Patriotismo Ave., Floors 7 and 8

San Pedro de los Pinos

Mexico City, 03800

+52 55 6952 0374



  Riga, Latvia

Aspazijas bulvāris 20

Rīga, LV-1050

+371 66 011 905


 Vantaa, Finland

Vanha Kaarelantie 33a

Vantaa, FI-01610

+358 94 272 63 77


  Warsaw, Poland

Wspólna st., 70

Warsaw, 00-687

+48 22 162 18 13


  Vilnius, Lithuania

Didžioji g. 18

Vilnius, LT-01128

+370 52 07 97 07


Gulf Cooperation Council

  Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Al Olaya st. 8570

Riyadh, POB 12213

+966 800 880 3035


  Fujairah, United Arab Emirates

Fujairah - Creative Tower

Fujairah, POB 4422

+971 600 57 59 69


Our Clients Say

ScienceSoft has been providing an excellent level of service maintaining the application’s AWS infrastructure, as well as deploying and configuring new Linux-based virtual machines and AWS cloud services, such as Amazon EC2, Amazon RDS, Amazon S3, Elastic Load Balancing, Amazon ElastiCache, Amazon Route 53, and many more.

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Gordon Seipold

CEO, 3steps2web

We first contacted ScienceSoft because we needed senior-level expertise in .NET and DevOps, and we needed it quickly.

So far, ScienceSoft's .NET developers have been assisting Upstream Works in refactoring a load testing system and bringing further automation to the load testing process. ScienceSoft's DevOps engineers helped us optimize our Amazon Web Services (AWS) infrastructure and set up a continuous software delivery process.

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Sean Snider

COO, Upstream Works Software

We entrusted ScienceSoft with the development of our web application for AWS cloud users to gather cloud instance monitoring metrics. ScienceSoft’s team provided a full cycle of software development service including business analysis, design, development, DevOps, and testing. Thanks to their solid experience in agile development, our web app was deployed in just 4 months.

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Oisín Curran

CEO, Odyssey Validation Compliance

ScienceSoft’s team undertook the development of our product from scratch and showed deep expertise in the .Net environment and AWS and Azure services. They delivered software in time and with the required quality. The team adhered to consistent two-way communication and regularly shared detailed project updates and recommendations on how certain functions could be implemented in a more efficient way.

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Bob Penland

Managing Partner, ServicePulse

In their review of our AWS services (Identity and Access Management (IAM), VPC Service Controls, AWS Config, CloudTrail, etc.), ScienceSoft checked the security of cloud environment configurations, and our corporate data stored in the cloud and the effectiveness of our security practices in AWS. After that, we received another report with clear recommendations on how to enhance the cybersecurity of our AWS environment.

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Joel B. Cohen

President, USPlate Glass Insurance Company