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Our Satisfied Clients

We collaborate with companies from 70+ countries and 30+ industries. Our project portfolio contains about 4,000 success stories, including projects for Walmart, eBay, NASA JPL, PerkinElmer, Baxter, IBM, Leo Burnett.



success stories

Lemongrass Consulting Ltd,

a global SAP consulting services provider

Lemongrass Consulting partnered with ScienceSoft, between March and September 2019, for our G-Suite to Office 365 Migration Project. This included the migration of all Lemongrass email, Distribution Lists and shared mailboxes, Calendars and Contacts from Google to Microsoft O365.

The Project encountered a number of unforeseen issues during migration and cutover but, ScienceSoft rose to the challenge and worked closely with the Lemongrass Team to ensure a timely resolution.

The ScienceSoft Team were always very professional, demonstrating competency in the required skillset and good communications; despite the remote working relationship.

The project was successfully implemented at the beginning of September and we are very happy with our new Office 365 solution. Thanks again to the ScienceSoft Team.