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success stories


a provider of digital ASL curriculum tools

TRUE+WAY ASL was asked by an educational institution to implement a vulnerability scan/test of the TRUE+WAY ASL web app and course files that we send to educational institutions. Thanks to Nabeel Keblawi, Provectus Digital’s recommendation to go with ScienceSoft, we contracted with ScienceSoft to do penetration testing and vulnerability scans.

ScienceSoft’s team performed black box penetration testing in compliance with OWASP and NIST methodologies with a rapid turnaround with their report. During testing, ScienceSoft found some minor vulnerabilities like open ports and outdated software, which TRUE+WAY ASL Geek team fixed during re-testing. Also, the ScienceSoft team attempted to add a piece of malicious code into a course file and uploaded this file into a learning management system during the final testing process. The malicious code failed to execute, and ScienceSoft concluded in their final report that the TRUE+WAY ASL application and course files had an advanced level of security.

We are pleased with the results of the vulnerability scan/penetration testing conducted by ScienceSoft. Thanks to their experienced IT security team, working in tandem with the TRUE+WAY ASL Geek team, we are confident that the TRUE+WAY ASL course files and platform is secure. We definitely recommend ScienceSoft for penetration testing services.