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Custom Business Insurance Software

Features, Development Steps, Benefits, Costs

ScienceSoft applies 12 years of experience in insurance software development to create reliable and secure digital solutions tailored to the unique needs of commercial insurers.

Custom Business Insurance Software - ScienceSoft
Custom Business Insurance Software - ScienceSoft

Business Insurance Software: The Essence

Business insurance software automates underwriting, policy management, claims processing, regulatory reporting, and other operations taking place in the commercial insurance field. Such software provides comprehensive data analytics and offers self-service options for customers and brokers.

Custom business insurance software brings a particularly high ROI for insurers looking to digitally transform complex and specific operations across niche commercial insurance lines. Another benefit of custom solutions is that they can be designed in compliance with all necessary regulations and powered by advanced security mechanisms.

Custom commercial insurance software can employ artificial intelligence to introduce data-driven risk assessment, suggestions on optimal insurance premiums, and automated processing of multi-format claim evidence.

  • Implementation time: 9–18+ months for a custom business insurance solution.
  • Development costs: $200K–$1.5M+, depending on software complexity. Use our free configurator, and our consultants will estimate the cost for your specific case.
  • Payback period: <12 months.


Key Features of Custom Commercial Insurance Software

Below, ScienceSoft’s consultants composed a comprehensive list of features commonly requested by our clients from the commercial insurance industry:

Business insurance application processing

  • Automatically processing applications and customer documents (e.g., business licenses, proofs of asset ownership) using RPA and advanced image analysis technologies.
  • Auto-conversion of paper documents to the predefined digital format using optical character recognition (OCR).
  • Notifications to the responsible employees about missing or contradictory business data that requires manual verification.
  • Geography-based AML/CFT and OFAC verification for new business customers.
  • Rule-based decision-making on insurance application approval or rejection.


  • AI-supported validation of customer data against the data from trusted third-party sources like local business registries, credit rating bureaus, licensing boards, EPA databases, and public claim databases.
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  • Rule-based customer risk scoring.
  • Risk scenario modeling and impact quantification using custom actuarial models.
  • Scenario modeling and what-if analysis for various pricing strategies.
  • Calculating personalized business insurance premiums based on the requested coverage terms, the customer’s risk score, and the insurer’s profitability requirements.
  • Automated quote generation and submission to insurance prospects.


  • AI-supported customer risk assessment based on the business’ financial posture, operational scope, number of employees and their qualifications, quality control procedures, security measures, commercial asset condition, location-specific natural hazards, and more.
  • AI-powered suggestions on premium optimization based on historical demand, customer-specific price elasticity, and competitor prices.
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  • Customizable policy templates for various insurance types: E&O insurance, fleet insurance, workers’ compensation insurance, etc.
  • Automated generation of polcies with specific coverage terms (coverage period, retroactive and tail dates, risks covered, exclusions, extension terms).
  • Rule-based policy updating, renewal, and termination.


  • Policy e-signing.
  • AI-powered suggestions on cross-selling opportunities and tailored business owner insurance packs.

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  • User-defined billing models: one-time payment, installments, usage-based model, etc.
  • Template-based creation of multi-currency and multi-language invoices.
  • Calculating personalized premiums, discounts, and taxes and applying them to the invoices.
  • Scheduled and ad hoc invoice submissions to customers via email and a customer portal.
  • Support for multiple payment methods (bank transfers, cards, checks, etc.) and premium collection via direct debit.
  • Invoice tracking by status (sent, paid, partially paid, open).
  • Configurable notifications to customers about due payments.
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  • AI-supported processing of multi-format claim evidence like incident reports, photos and videos of damaged property, medical statements about the injured parties, demand letters from E&O claimants, witness testimonies, and sensor data from IoT systems.
  • Remote damage inspection and loss estimation using AI, IoT, and computer vision.
  • Intelligent forecasting of high-risk events and suggestions on the proper risk mitigation steps for policyholders.
  • (for parametric commercial insurance) Fully automated parametric payouts enabled by blockchain smart contracts.
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Reinsurance management

  • Centralized storage of reinsurance partners’ data (business information, service scope, pricing details, etc.).
  • Collaborative creation of reinsurance agreements.
  • Automated submission of claims exceeding coverage limits for settlement to the relevant reinsurers.
  • Real-time monitoring of the claim resolution progress (enabled via the integration with the reinsurer’s business systems).


  • AI-powered suggestions on the best-fitting reinsurers for particular contracts based on reinsurer specialization, capacity, and risk appetites.
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Business insurance task management

  • Rule-based prioritization of business insurance tasks: underwriting, loss adjustment, E&O legal defense planning, etc.
  • Automated task assignment to the best-fitting professionals taking into account the employee’s area of responsibility, location, qualifications, and availability.
  • Monitoring employee performance and compliance with the internal and regulatory standards.
  • End-to-end audit trail of omnichannel interactions between the internal teams and customers.
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  • Tracking metrics like the total volume of issued policies, premiums written, claim costs, average deal value, revenue generated, and more.
  • Scheduled and ad hoc report generation.
  • Planning of capital and claim reserves.
  • Rule-based report submission to the internal stakeholders and regulators (e.g., FIO, NAIC, CFPB, IA).


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  • Customer self-service options for account creation, applying for commercial insurance, sharing business documents, filing claims, and tracking claim resolution statuses.
  • A full record of received quotes, policies, and invoices.
  • Instant messaging for customers and business insurance specialists.


  • AI-powered chatbots to help portal users solve operational issues 24/7.
  • A self-service business insurance price calculator.
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Security and compliance

  • Role-based access control for actuaries, underwriters, claim managers, etc.
  • Multi-factor user authentication.
  • Data encryption at rest and in transit.
  • Compliance with SOC1/SOC2, SOX, CCPA, NYDFS (for NYC), IA and SAMA requirements (for the KSA), GDPR (for the EU), and more.


  • Biometric user authentication.
  • Intelligent user and entity behavior analytics (UEBA).
  • Commercial insurance data hashing, timestamping, and recording in the immutable blockchain ledger.
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Custom vs. Off-the-Shelf Commercial Insurance Software

There is a range of market-available commercial insurtech solutions that differ in their functional scope, customization options, security level, and pricing. None of them is a universal solution, and you should choose a particular tool based on your organization’s specific needs. In some cases, developing a custom business insurance solution can be the best option.

AdInsure for Commercial Insurance by Adacta

EIS Suite™

Duck Creek Suite

Custom business insurance software

Supported types of business insurance

Commercial fleet, commercial property, business general liability, goods-in-transit liability

Employee benefits and compensation, business property and casualty

Commercial property and casualty

All the required types, including industry-specific professional liability insurance, coverage for specialized property and vehicles, and emerging types of insurance like parametric business insurance

Basic business insurance capabilities

Rule-based customer risk scoring. Automated calculation of personalized premiums. Billing management. Policy generation and updating. Claim processing and reporting. Trend-based analysis of commercial insurance demand.

Advanced analytics

Predictive analytics for risk forecasting and claim triaging. Automated and AI-powered fraud detection. Prescriptive analytics for pricing optimization, policy cross-selling, and business insurance process improvement.

Business-specific functionality

The ability to expand the solution’s core capabilities to meet a company’s unique business needs.

Restricted to Adacta’s prebuilt insurance modules.

Restricted to OOTB EIS’ plugins and extensions.

Restricted to OOTB Duck Creek’s add-on modules.

Not restricted and can be developed based on an insurer’s specific requirements.


The ability to adjust the solution’s existing capabilities and remove unnecessary features.

Limited capabilities.

Limited capabilities.

Unlimited capabilities.


The ability to connect the solution to other business-critical systems to leverage instant data sharing without the need to enter any data manually.

Native: with AdInsure PAS and AdInsure Claims.

Via API: with external systems and portals.

Native: with EIS products.

Via API: with third-party systems and popular insurance-relevant data sources.

Native: with Duck Creek products.

Via API: with popular insurance data and services solutions, including MVR lookups, hazard metrics, and document management.

Seamless connection to all the required business solutions (including legacy software) and third-party systems.


Based on the assessment of ScienceSoft’s experts.

Main criteria: the type of deployment and the type of cloud – public, private, or hybrid (for cloud deployment); basic cybersecurity mechanisms (data encryption, role-based access control, user authentication); advanced data protection capabilities (e.g., AI-powered fraud detection, immutable recordkeeping of business insurance data); compliance with global security standards.

Regulatory compliance

Ability to meet global, regional, and company-specific business insurance standards and regulations.

Compliance with IFRS 17, FATCA, AMF/CFT and KYC, GDPR and IDD (for the EU).

Compliance with global and regional business insurance standards, such as CCPA, SOX, GDPR and Solvency II (for the EU).

Compliance with major EU business insurance standards.

Compliance with all the required global and regional business insurance regulations.

Ease of use

Based on the assessment of ScienceSoft’s experts.

Main criteria: UX and UI complexity, convenience, and customization options; learning curve.

TCO components

Setup, configuration and integration costs; ongoing subscription fees (depending on the number of users); maintenance costs.

Setup, configuration, customization, and integration costs; ongoing subscription fees depending on the number of users; maintenance costs.

Setup, configuration, customization, and integration costs; ongoing subscription fees depending on the number of users; maintenance costs.

Investments in custom development and maintenance costs.

The unlimited number of users.

Full code ownership.

Important Integrations for a Business Insurance System


  • For prompt and accurate policy issuance and updating.
  • For data-driven planning of marketing activities.
  • To keep agents informed of the policies issued and premium amounts due.

Customer risk data sources

Credit rating platforms, business registries, title registries, medical information systems, environmental databases, etc.

For accurate profiling and data-driven decision-making in claim management.

Tracking systems

IoT systems, computer vision systems, and asset monitoring software of commercial customers and third-party agencies.

For fast and accurate damage estimation and claim validation.

Customer interaction channels

Mail systems, messaging apps, business phone systems, etc.

To instantly capture and process omnichannel customer requests.

For automated recording of payment transactions in the general ledger.

To leverage commercial insurance data in organization-wide planning and analysis.

How to Develop Business Insurance Software in 6 Steps

Business insurance software development may take 9–18+ months , depending on the complexity of the project scope, software technical design choices, and your preferred sourcing model (in-house or outsourcing).

Here is ScienceSoft’s sample roadmap to delivering reliable commercial insurance solutions in an efficient and predictable way:


Requirements engineering and scoping

At this stage, ScienceSoft’s insurance IT consultants gather complete requirements for the future solution, create a detailed software requirements specification, plan the project scope, and prepare baseline cost and time estimates. Given that such software often needs to comply with operational and data privacy regulations (e.g., NAIC, IFRS17, CCPA, GDPR), we also involve our compliance consultants to map legal requirements to the solution.




Commercial insurance software design

This stage comprises the solution’s architecture design (including components like actuarial formulas, AI models for insurance fraud detection, and smart contracts). At this point, we usually involve subject matter experts (underwriters, loss adjusters, analysts, etc.) in validating the accuracy of the business logic. Our architects prioritize modern SOA and microservices approaches to ensure high software scalability and streamline its future evolution.

In parallel, the UX and UI designers create intuitive user journeys and user-friendly interfaces that lay the basis for high user adoption.

At ScienceSoft, we pick the best-fitting tech stack for business insurance software with the client’s priorities (quick implementation, minimized cost, etc.) in mind. Employing proven frameworks, ready-made UI elements, OOTB deployment scripts, and prebuilt APIs (insurance risk data APIs, fraud database APIs, authentication APIs, etc.) wherever possible is our best practice to streamline and speed up development.

Sometimes, the modernization of a legacy commercial insurance system may appear a more budget-friendly option than building new software from scratch. Auditing our clients' currently used solutions and comparing the cost of revamping to replacing is ScienceSoft’s default practice, which has brought our clients a thousand-dollar savings. If modernization is more feasible, we rearchitect the legacy solution, plan code refactoring steps, and design new software features.

ScienceSoft’s Lead Business Analyst and Insurance IT Consultant


Solution development and QA

At this stage, we develop the server side of commercial insurance software, create role-specific user interfaces, and set up scalable data storage. We also typically run testing in parallel with coding. That helps identify and fix potential logic issues and security vulnerabilities before production, preventing costly later-stage fixes. If you want to add advanced insurance analytics to your solution, this step would also require data scientists’ involvement to build, train, and fine-tune predictive and prescriptive insurance AI models.

ScienceSoft can deliver an MVP of a business insurance system in 3–6 months, depending on the solution’s scale and complexity. Splitting the project into smaller tasks and milestones, monitoring intermediary deadlines, and agilely adjusting the development pace help us better manage the project time and meet the agreed deadlines.





We integrate the solution with the client’s back-office software and relevant third-party systems to introduce a cohesive automation environment that removes manual data entry tasks. Integration testing is a must to ensure smooth and secure data exchange between the connected systems.




Business insurance software rollout

The essential activities at this stage are establishing compliance procedures to monitor adherence to the required regulations and implementing advanced security mechanisms (multi-level data encryption, intelligent user behavior analytics, complex DDoS protection algorithms, etc.) to protect software and the data it stores. After that, the ready-to-use solution can be safely deployed to the production environment.




Employee training

Dedicated training would help your team quickly master the new solution and better understand its operational benefits. If you choose to develop your solution with us, we can draw detailed manuals for user self-education and conduct employee training sessions in various formats (remote, onsite, or hybrid).



Improve Your Insurance Workflows with Robust Software

Whether you are planning to develop a custom business insurance solution, modernize your legacy software, or just need a consultation on your IT initiative, ScienceSoft is ready to assist with your specific case.

Driving Success with Custom Commercial Insurance Software

Dive into our projects to discover how our clients from the business insurance sector have benefited from tailored solutions.

Business Insurance Software Costs

Pricing Information

Based on ScienceSoft’s experience, building custom commercial insurance software may cost $200K–$1.5M+, depending on the scope of software capabilities, the number and complexity of integrations, and requirements for software performance, scalability, security, and compliance.

Wondering how much your custom insurance solution may cost?

Request a free estimate

Main Benefits of Business Insurance Software

   2–20x+ faster business insurance processes due to automation.

   20–35%+ increase in the productivity of commercial insurance teams.

   10–50% reduction in operational costs due to optimized service workflows.

Develop Effective Business Insurance Software with ScienceSoft

Driving insurance software development projects to their goals despite budget and time constraints is ScienceSoft’s mission. We rely on our tried-and-true development practices to proactively mitigate risks and agilely implement feasible changes.

Our insurance software development services include:

Business insurance software consulting

We create the architecture and functional design for your software, select a pragmatic tech stack, and advise on security and compliance. You also get a detailed project plan for smooth implementation.

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Business insurance software development

We develop your solution end to end, including its integrations with the required systems. Our teams can also provide user training and after-launch support.

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Business insurance software modernization

We revamp the architecture, codebase, and tech stack of your legacy system and upgrade the solution with features that enhance its relevance and value.

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Our Clients Say

ScienceSoft demonstrated a deep understanding of our requirements, and their developers needed minimal supervision, keeping us updated on progress and potential hurdles along the way. What stood out was ScienceSoft's proactive suggestions for cost-saving architecture design and tech stack solutions. Their input ensured we stayed within budget without compromising on software quality. The value we derived from partnering with ScienceSoft is definitely worth the investment.

What makes ScienceSoft different

We achieve project success no matter what

ScienceSoft does not pass off mere project administration for project management, which, unfortunately, often happens on the market. We practice real project management, achieving project success for our clients no matter what.

See how we do that

About ScienceSoft

ScienceSoft is a global IT consulting and software development company headquartered in McKinney, Texas. Since 2012, we have been helping commercial insurance companies digitally transform their workflows with the help of tailored solutions. Being an ISO 9001- and ISO 27001-certified company, we apply a mature quality management system and guarantee the security of our clients’ data.