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Our Software Development Projects

Complex Semantic Search Engine to Drive High R&D ROI

Complex Semantic Search Engine to Drive High R&D ROI

CMS with Flexible Architecture and Intuitive Experience for Non-Technical Users

CMS with Flexible Architecture and Intuitive Experience for Non-Technical Users

Web App to Drive Digital Transformation across Phytotherapeutic Business

Web App to Drive Digital Transformation across Phytotherapeutic Business

Automated Log Management and User Monitoring Software Product for IBM/Consul

Automated Log Management and User Monitoring Software Product for IBM/Consul

Fast and Cost-Effective Marketplace Development for a Bank with 100+ Branches

Fast and Cost-Effective Marketplace Development for a Bank with 100+ Branches

Process Orchestration Software for Connected Procurement Management

Process Orchestration Software for Connected Procurement Management

Rapid Development of IBM Tivoli Compliance InSight Manager Product

Rapid Development of IBM Tivoli Compliance InSight Manager Product