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Our Satisfied Clients

We collaborate with companies from 70+ countries and 30+ industries. Our project portfolio includes around 4,000 success stories, including projects for PerkinElmer, Baxter, ScribeAmerica, bioAffinity Technologies, and IBM.

We're ready to connect you directly with our clients in relevant industries, regions, or technology fields, so you can gain honest insights straight from the source.



success stories

Lampdoc SRL,

a European LAMP knowledge provider

We collaborated with ScienceSoft on the creation of testing documentation for one of our projects – a B2C hotel booking portal.

ScienceSoft’s QA team efficiently developed testing documentation on the basis of exploratory testing results and our software requirements specification. We would like to acknowledge that the team was devoted not only to delivering high-quality services but also making the collaboration process smooth and convenient for us.

Undoubtedly, we would recommend ScienceSoft as a reliable partner in QA and software testing.