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End-to-End Testing

Plan, Required Skills, and Tools

Providing software testing services since 1989, ScienceSoft offers comprehensive end-to-end testing for companies in 30+ industries.

End-to-End Testing - ScienceSoft
End-to-End Testing - ScienceSoft

End-to-End Testing Essence

End-to-end (E2E) testing is done at the final stages of the software development process to check software from users’ perspective and ensure that software as a whole works as intended. End-to-end testing helps validate software workflows from beginning to end and assesses all dependencies of an application.

  • Key E2E testing steps: software documentation analysis, E2E testing planning, E2E tests design, testing execution and results reporting.
  • Key team members: test manager, test engineer, test automation engineer.

ScienceSoft offers high quality and cost-effective end-to-end testing services that help companies minimize defects in production and deliver better software solutions to the market.

E2E Testing Plan

The end-to-end testing process varies depending on the complexity of tested software. ScienceSoft provides a sample workflow for E2E testing based on our experience with similar projects that can be adjusted according to project specifics.


Software documentation analysis

To understand how software under test is supposed to work and what has already been tested, QA specialists analyze:

  • Software functional and non-functional requirements.
  • Reports on previous functional and integration testing activities.

Best practice: Clear and consistent documentation on functional and integration testing helps ensure high-quality end-to-end testing within shorter terms.




End-to-end test planning

At this stage, a test manager defines:

  • The scope of end-to-end testing.
  • The ratio of manual and automated E2E tests.
  • (optional) Tools and frameworks for automated end-to-end testing (e.g., Selenium, Appium, Ranorex).
  • Efforts and tasks of the testing team, timelines of E2E testing activities.
  • Testing project risks (e.g., risks related to tight timelines, insufficient resources, etc.) and a risk mitigation plan.

To justify the expenses on automation, we usually apply automated E2E tests in large and long-lasting projects with a significant amount of regression testing, for example, ecommerce software, ERP, or CRM end-to-end testing.

Test Manager and QA Consultant


Test design

The testing team takes on:

  • Setting up a test environment as close to real user conditions as possible.
  • Creating good-quality, complete, and up-to-date test data. Poorly designed test data may provide inaccurate test results.
  • Building realistic test scenarios, cases and test suites to cover the software functionality within the E2E testing scope.
  • (optional) Writing test scripts for automated end-to-end testing.

Best practice: At ScienceSoft, we create and run test suites in a particular sequence that will match actions of real users as they navigate through software. Otherwise, there is a risk of a skipped defect leaking into production.




Test execution and results reporting

  • Running end-to-end tests.
  • Reporting on the detected issues in the preferred test management system (e.g., Jira, Zephyr, TestRail).
  • Defects validation and regression testing.

Best practice: If you opt for automated tests, schedule them to run at night so that all the failed tests can be analyzed during working hours.



Consider Professional Services for End-to-End Testing

With software testing experience dating back to 1989, ScienceSoft performs comprehensive end-to-end testing of web, mobile, desktop software products and enterprise applications.

End-to-end testing consulting

  • Defining an end-to-end testing scope and key workflows to test.
  • Drawing up an E2E test strategy.
  • Identifying E2E testing risks and creating a risk mitigation plan.
  • Listing fitting tools and frameworks for automated E2E testing if automation is needed.
  • Selecting an optimal sourcing model for E2E testing.
  • Estimating E2E testing costs according to the chosen sourcing model.
Consult on E2E testing

End-to-end testing outsourcing

  • A detailed E2E testing plan.
  • (optional) Selection of tools and frameworks for automated E2E testing.
  • Test cases and automated test scripts.
  • Setup of the test environment for E2E testing.
  • Manual and automated E2E tests execution.
  • Maintenance of automated tests.
  • Reports on found defects and testing results in line with ISO/IEC/IEEE 29119-3:2013.
Outsource E2E testing

Why Choose ScienceSoft for E2E Testing

  • 35 years in software testing.
  • 23 years in test automation.
  • 750+ completed testing projects since 2010.
  • ISTQB-certified QA professionals.
  • Established quality management system confirmed by ISO 9001 certification.
  • ISO 27001-certified to ensure security of customers’ sensitive information.

Success Story of E2E Testing by ScienceSoft

End-to-End Testing of a Highly Ranked Mobile Banking Application

End-to-End Testing of a Highly Ranked Mobile Banking Application

ScienceSoft’s testing team performed thorough Agile testing of an award-winning mobile banking app. With fruitful joint efforts of the developers, bank representatives and the testing team, this ambitious project has been on for 5+ years.

Typical Roles in Our E2E Testing Teams

Test manager

  • Works out the scope and plan of end-to-end testing.
  • Builds and leads a testing team.
  • Decides on the ratio of automated and manual E2E testing.
  • Helps select tools and frameworks for E2E testing if automation is in place.
  • Applies necessary metrics for measuring the test progress.

Test engineer

  • Writes manual E2E test cases.
  • Creates test data and executes E2E tests.
  • Reports bugs found during manual E2E testing.

Test automation engineer

  • Sets up the test environment.
  • Designs, writes, and executes automated test scripts for E2E testing.
  • Reports bugs found during automated E2E testing.

Sourcing Models of E2E Testing

A test manager and a testing team are all in-house

You have full control of the testing process and keep all software data secure. However, your in-house testing team may lack expertise in E2E testing, which will require extra resources for training and result in longer E2E testing.

A test manager is in-house and a testing team is completely or partially outsourced

Partial or full outsourcing of a testing team reduces E2E testing expenses. Pay special attention to selecting an on-site manager who needs to be savvy in E2E testing to plan the testing process and regularly keep track of the outsourced team’s performance.

A test manager and a testing team are outsourced

An experienced vendor takes care of the entire E2E testing process, which saves management time and costs. You should be careful when choosing a partner for end-to-end testing to minimize security and confidentiality risks. A reliable vendor should have:

  • ISTQB-certified software testing professionals.
  • ISO 27001 and ISO 9001 certification to ensure customers’ information security and high quality of end-to-end testing services.
  • Experience in the customer’s industry (e.g., manufacturing, retail, wholesale, healthcare, financial services, oil & gas, telecommunications, etc.).

Benefits of E2E Testing with ScienceSoft

KPI-based approach

ScienceSoft reflects E2E testing results in regular reports with predefined testing metrics.

Reduced testing costs

Feasible automation testing and balanced test engineers' hourly rate help bring down E2E testing expenses.

Domain expertise

ScienceSoft’s testing teams have testing experience in 30+ industries and 20+ business domains.

Get E2E Testing by QA Professionals!

ScienceSoft provides an optimal E2E testing team of experienced QA professionals with transparent quotes which makes E2E testing costs predictable and ensures high-quality end-to-end testing delivery.

Software ScienceSoft Applies for E2E Testing

About ScienceSoft

About ScienceSoft

ScienceSoft is a global IT consulting, software development, and QA company headquartered in McKinney, TX. Our ISTQB-certified QA professionals deliver high-quality end-to-end testing with the focus on optimizing the testing budget and reducing testing time. Being ISO 27001 and ISO 9001 certified, ScienceSoft guarantees the security of customers’ data and the high quality of the delivered services. If you are interested in E2E testing, contact ScienceSoft's specialists for more detailed information.