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Choose the Right Cloud with Expert Help

Please take 5 minutes to answer the questions that will help us understand your needs. We’ll get back to you with advice on the optimal cloud platform.


*Where are you planning to host your workloads?

*What will be the geography of your cloud workloads?

*Will data need to get moved from one geographic zone to another?

*Is data retrieval or computation time important?

*How important are reliability, availability and performance requirements?

*Has your company been using any cloud services so far?


Languages, frameworks, data storages, cloud services, etc.

*Are you considering serverless deployment?

Almost done!

Please let us know where we should send your estimate. Our experts may need to ask a few extra questions to calculate a precise quote for your case.

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Our team is on it!

ScienceSoft's experts will study your case and get back to you with the details within 24 hours.

Our team is on it!