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Our IT Operations Projects

10-Year Evolution of Life Sciences Software Products Used by GSK and AstraZeneca

10-Year Evolution of Life Sciences Software Products Used by GSK and AstraZeneca

HIPAA-Compliant QRadar Solution for a Hospital with 2,000+ Staff

HIPAA-Compliant QRadar Solution for a Hospital with 2,000+ Staff

Knowledge Management Software Support for a US Corporation

Knowledge Management Software Support for a US Corporation

Gray Box Pentest for a Pharma Company Revealed Severe Intranet Vulnerabilities

Gray Box Pentest for a Pharma Company Revealed Severe Intranet Vulnerabilities

2-Year Support and Evolution of CE-Marked Laboratory Diagnostics Software

2-Year Support and Evolution of CE-Marked Laboratory Diagnostics Software

Eye Imaging SaMD Debugged and Market-Ready in 6 Weeks

Eye Imaging SaMD Debugged and Market-Ready in 6 Weeks

Penetration Testing for reconice to Improve ePHI Security

Penetration Testing for reconice to Improve ePHI Security

Telehealth App Audit and Refactoring to Launch a HIPAA-Compliant MVP

Telehealth App Audit and Refactoring to Launch a HIPAA-Compliant MVP

Annual Pentesting and Phishing Simulation for a Healthcare IT Provider

Annual Pentesting and Phishing Simulation for a Healthcare IT Provider