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Custom Web Application Development Services

Custom Coding Is Quality-Assured with ScienceSoft

Achieve your business-specific goals with ScienceSoft, a leading custom web application development company with 1,900+ web apps released.

Custom Web Application Development Services - ScienceSoft
Custom Web Application Development Services - ScienceSoft

A custom web application is software (accessible via a web browser) developed specifically for a particular organization to meet its unique requirements.

A mature and impact-focused web app development consultancy, ScienceSoft can help throughout the entire custom web app development process, from ideation and planning to design, development, testing, and deployment.

What makes ScienceSoft different

We achieve project success no matter what

ScienceSoft does not pass off mere project administration for project management, which, unfortunately, often happens on the market. We practice real project management, achieving project success for our clients no matter what.

See how we do that

Our 20-Year-Long Story Condensed into 6 Key Facts 







ScienceSoft Is Proficient in Full-Cycle Web Development

Through interviews and process analysis, our consultants can build a deep understanding of what app your business needs, lay out a detailed description in a functional specification, and accurately scope the project.

Our talented UX and UI designers can create from scratch or refresh your app to make it look like brand-new – super convenient and stylish.

Creating a custom web app involves a lot of coding and testing. That’s exactly what we love and do expertly for 25 years already.

Does your web app need to exchange data with other systems (also legacy and custom-built)? Manual data transfer is out of the question – trust us to plan and set up integrations between systems to automate data flows.

Whatever reasons for migration you have, we’ll create a custom web app that solves your current problems, be it poor app scalability or costly maintenance of a legacy system.

Having ScienceSoft for web app support is really convenient – we can cover all tasks to improve your app, from monitoring and troubleshooting to evolving it with new features.

We will eagerly join your web development team to bring specialized skills and deeper expertise or help speed up the project progress.

Let’s Discuss Your Particular Case

Tell us about the technologies or processes you need help with. With our large pool of developers, business analysts, software architects, DevOps engineers, and QA experts, we can find any talents you may need for your project’s implementation.

Talk to the team

Our Web App Projects

Discover how we've created scalable, high-performance web applications tailored to the specific needs of clients across different industries. Use the filters to explore projects by industry or solution to find the most relevant examples.

Our Clients Are Our Top Priority

We needed help in revamping a web app for pre-school institutions. ScienceSoft’s PHP team has fixed the app’s security issues and has enhanced its features like financial reporting and attendance tracking to make the app more efficient and easy to use. We are fully satisfied with the current results, and we are going to continue our cooperation with ScienceSoft on this project.

We teamed up with ScienceSoft trusting a solid experience that the company had in the domain of web portal development, and never regretted the decision. ScienceSoft’s team proved to be knowledgeable, thoughtful, and highly motivated.

We entrusted ScienceSoft with the development of our web application for AWS cloud users to gather cloud instance monitoring metrics.

ScienceSoft’s team managed to bring to life our web application with full adherence to the requirements and within the optimistic project plan. Thanks to their solid experience in agile development, our web app was deployed in just 4 months.

How We Approach Custom Web Development Projects to Deliver Value

We stand for transparent collaboration where you, as a client, have full understanding of how different aspects of our work are organized and managed. We share our processes with you and invite you to contact us directly if there is something else you want to know.

Project scoping

Learn about our standard six-step scoping process and our approach to adjusting the scope down the road.


Project resource allocation

Find out how we assemble teams for team augmentation and outsourcing engagements.


Project cost estimation

See what helps us assess a future project realistically and prevent budget overruns.



Explore how we plan and manage collaboration with all project stakeholders (within ScienceSoft’s project team, with client-side stakeholders, and with other involved third parties).


Risk management

Check four main groups of project risk factors we monitor. The page describes step-by-step risk management at ScienceSoft, from risk identification to mitigation.


Knowledge management

Discover our 4-step process of creating and managing project knowledge. We explain our simple techniques for incorporating knowledge management in a time-effective manner.



See the examples of documentation we prepare at each stage of a software development life cycle.



Check the types and samples of reports we provide in software development projects.


Post-launch warranty

Learn about our post-launch policy and a typical software warranty.


How ScienceSoft Stands Out as a Custom Web Application Development Company

Achieving project goals in spite of time and budget constraints, as well as changing requirements, is ScienceSoft's top priority. You set goals, we drive the project to fulfill them.

25 years
in web development
with regulations
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with regulations

Regulatory experts on board to ensure compliance with regional and industry-specific regulations, e.g., HIPAA (for the US), PDPL (for the KSA), GDPR (for the EU).

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60 top PMs and Scrum masters, meaning mature quality, cost, scope, and risk management practices.

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ISO 9001 and ISO 27001 certifications to guarantee service quality and customer data security.

Creating Custom Web Apps for the Most Diverse Goals

We can create robust web apps for corporate use and SaaS products. Here is a map with areas of our most solid web development expertise:

Business apps for internal use

Enterprise resource & process management web apps

View all

Supply chain management web apps

View all

Knowledge & productivity web apps

View all

Analytics web apps

View all

Apps for customer management

Customer-facing apps

View all

Customer relationship management

  • Customer service (including call center & self-service)
  • CRM
  • Customer analytics
  • Advertising apps
View all

Industry-specific apps

Didn’t Find the Exact App You Need?

Don’t hesitate to drop us a line – we are pretty sure we will be able to help you anyway!

Technologies We Use

ScienceSoft USA Corporation Is a 3-Year Champion in the Financial Times Rating

Three years in a row (2022–2024), the Financial Times has included ScienceSoft USA Corporation in the list of 500 fastest-growing American companies. This is the result of our dedication to driving project success despite any constraints and disruptions.

Custom vs. Off-The-Shelf Web Apps

Custom web apps

Off-the-shelf web apps

Designed and developed specifically for a particular organization.

Pre-built with standard design and features that are the same for all organizations.

Flexible to integrate with the existing systems and workflows of the business.

May not integrate well with existing systems and workflows, which can lead to inefficiencies and additional costs.

More expensive and time-consuming to develop.

Typically, less expensive in the short run, can be quickly implemented and used by businesses.

App support should be established from scratch.

Typically, an established support system is in place, including user forums, documentation, and customer service, making it easier for businesses to resolve any issues or problems that may arise.

Is Custom Web Development Costly?

This is one of the most frequent concerns about custom development. We asked Vadim Belsky, our Head of Web Development Department, to clarify if this concern is grounded:

Head of Web Development Department, ScienceSoft

Based on ScienceSoft’s experience, building a customer-facing web portal of average complexity costs around $70,000–$300,000, while the cost of an average enterprise web app can range anywhere between $50,000–$250,000. Whether it is costly or not – each company decides for itself. But I can say with certainty that we advocate custom development only if our meticulous business analysis proves a custom web app to be the most feasible solution for a company, even cost-effective in the long run.

We are ready to go the extra mile and help you optimize your investment by:

  • Prioritizing features and delivering an MVP first.
  • Adhering to the Agile methodology to provide quick fixes based on user feedback and speed up the return on your investment.
  • Reusing code and using ready-made components where possible.

How Much Will It Cost to Develop Your Web App?

Please answer a few quick questions about the web solution you’re looking to build. This will help our experts better understand your needs and calculate a tailored estimate much faster.


*What is your industry?

*How do you plan to use your web app?

*What is the expected number of software users?

Are you going to sell your software to:

*How many individuals will use your software, approximately?

*How many organizations are you planning to target, approximately?

*How many end users (individuals from all organizations) will use your software, approximately?

How many organizations are you planning to target, approximately?

*How many end users (both corporate and individual users) will use your software, approximately?

*What software type do you need assistance with?

*What functionality do you want to implement in your telehealth app?

Should your telehealth app be tailored to a medical specialty?

*Choose the type of web portal you need:

*What user features should your portal support?

*What admin features should your portal support?

*What functional modules do you need with your financial software? Check all that apply.

*What operations do you need to support with your software?

*What capabilities should your software support?

*What medical specialties is your EHR intended for?

*What are the core EHR features you need? Check all that apply:

*What types of products are you planning to sell?

*How many SKUs are you planning to sell?

*Along with core ecommerce functions (e.g., catalog, customer and order management), what capabilities should your ecommerce solution support?

*What capabilities should your OMS provide?

*What capabilities should your payment software provide?

*What document management capabilities should your software provide?

*What capabilities should your CMS provide?

*What capabilities should your intranet provide?

*What functional modules do you need in your HR software?

*What LMS capabilities do you need?

*What is your target software type?

*What content types should your LMS support?

*What functional SCM modules do you need? Check all that apply.

*What capabilities should your inventory software provide? Check all that apply.

*What capabilities should your asset management solution provide?

*What capabilities should your fleet management solution provide?

*What kind of analytics do you need to cover?

*Please describe the data sources for your data analytics solution. Check all that apply.

*Should your solution offer complex analytics?

*What capabilities should your on-demand service marketplace provide?

*What type of a ride-hailing app do you need?

*What type of a social networking app do you need?

Will your dating focus on a specific niche (people with specific interests, lifestyles, or demographics)?

*What services do you need?

*Which software version do you need?

*Are there any compliance standards for your planned app? Check all that apply.

*Do you have any preferences for the environment?

Would you require any integrations?

Do you have tech stack preferences?

Your contact data

We will not share your information with third parties or use it in marketing campaigns. Check our Privacy Policy for more details.

Thank you for your request!

We will analyze your case and get back to you within a business day to share a ballpark estimate.

In the meantime, would you like to learn more about ScienceSoft?

Our team is on it!

Service Options

Custom web application development services is your choice if you want to automate enterprise workflows or create a customer-facing app exactly the way you envisage. 25 years as a custom web app development company, ScienceSoft will help you get an application fully tailored to your business needs.


We can check the feasibility of your custom web development and design architecture, features and integrations for your app. If you need a quick launch, we’ll do feature prioritization for an MVP.

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End-to-end development

You can entrust the whole web development project to us: we will expertly handle meticulous business analysis, UX and UI design, architecture design, programming, and quality assurance.

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