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Selected Success Stories from Our 4,000-Project Portfolio

Scalable Azure-Based Software Product for vCIO Service Management

Scalable Azure-Based Software Product for vCIO Service Management

Complex Semantic Search Engine to Drive High R&D ROI

Complex Semantic Search Engine to Drive High R&D ROI

Web App to Drive Digital Transformation across Phytotherapeutic Business

Web App to Drive Digital Transformation across Phytotherapeutic Business

Private Blockchain for Complete Traceability of the Multi-Tier Supply Chain

Private Blockchain for Complete Traceability of the Multi-Tier Supply Chain

Online Marketplace to Sell AI Training Data

Online Marketplace to Sell AI Training Data

Refactoring a SaaS Advertising Platform and Migrating It to Multi-Tenant Architecture

Refactoring a SaaS Advertising Platform and Migrating It to Multi-Tenant Architecture

The Most Effective Anti-Procrastination Application

The Most Effective Anti-Procrastination Application

Automated Log Management and User Monitoring Software Product for IBM/Consul

Automated Log Management and User Monitoring Software Product for IBM/Consul

L1-L3 Support for System One, a 9,000-Employee Company

L1-L3 Support for System One, a 9,000-Employee Company