Mobile-to-Web Tourist Photo Management System for Fotaflo
Fotaflo – an entrepreneur from Canada that specializes on affordable turn-key picture taking service that generates revenue through picture sales and referral marketing.
Fotaflo turned to ScienceSoft to re-develop existing version of the product that allowed tourism business staff to automatically transfer pictures from mobile phones to a web-based service.
Previous version of the solution did not perform well as it was written using the old technologies where Mobile part was out of date and there have also been complaints about the performance and errors.
ScienceSoft developed a complete solution that automatically transfers photos from the personnel’s Android phones to the web service within a short time.
After photos are uploaded to the web service, tourists can filter their shots, easily chose the best ones and buy them. The service also allows tourists to set up a slide show and print purchased photos.
One of the main advantages of the solution is that photos can be taken not with the help of a digital camera, but with the using of a simple mobile device, which is convenient for active sports.
Fotaflo received a complete solution that provides staff with an easy to use picture taking system. The solution uses cameras with specifically designed software to send pictures wirelessly and automatically to a proprietary web based software for simple viewing, sending, printing and ultimately purchasing.
Technologies and Tools
Java 6, Android SDK 2.x, Eclipse 3.x, Apache Ant, XML.