Pay-Per-Post Software for a Prominent German Journalist’s Blog
About Our Client
The Client, LaterPay GmbH, is a German online service provider that enables businesses to offer paid content as a service by allowing postponed payments for getting access to digital content.
The Client commissioned ScienceSoft business website development team to carry out an ambitious project: a pioneering service of the new-age business model for journalists wanting to create and distribute quality content via their blogs and ensure their work is fairly rewarded.
The task was to redesign the blog of a successful German media writer so as to enhance user experience and enable content provision on both free and pay-per-use bases. As for functionality, the Client’s customer required the blog to support search, commentaries, RSS newsfeed and social sharing.
The blog underwent a complete revamp and got a new minimalistic look complemented with WordPress features while responding to the requirements mentioned above. Posts are presented in a tiled layout with the latest ones coming on top and highlighted by size - this makes it easier for readers to pinpoint the hottest topics.
While most posts are free to read, the WordPress plugin for LaterPay allowed for the availability of some items on either freemium or pay-per-use models. This means that after reading a teaser or a preview, readers pay only for the articles they want. The only condition for a blog user to gain access to this option is to set up an account on the LaterPay website.
The Client’s satisfaction with how the ideas were implemented laid the foundation for continuous cooperation between LaterPay and ScienceSoft.
Technologies and Tools
WordPress, PHP 5, MySQL, Ajax, JavaScript, jQuery.