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Collaborative Software for Streamlined Car Insurance Claim Processing

Collaborative Software for Streamlined Car Insurance Claim Processing

Insurance, BFSI, Manufacturing, Software products
Frontend (JS, HTML, CSS), .NET, MS SQL Server, Angular.js, React.js, Microservices

About Our Client

The Client is a US software development company that specializes in digitization of claims and maintenance issues settlement in the automotive industry. Among the Client’s partners are insurance companies, repair shops, car dealers and manufacturers.


The Client had a system of 4 web prototypes aimed at optimizing car insurance claim estimation processes: 1) for car insurance companies, 2) for car owners, 3) for estimation experts to deal with the car insurance companies, 4) for estimation experts to deal with the car owners. These prototypes required substantial modification and finalization.

The Client wanted to turn them into a fully functional web app system organized the following way:

  • The car insurance companies fill in accident-related details that the car owners reported to them by the phone, submit the details for an expert review and after that inform the owners of the estimation results.
  • The car owners upload their damaged cars images, submit them to experts to estimate the damage, and get the calculated repair cost.
  • The experts use their web apps to receive information about car damage from insurance agents and car owners respectively and provide their feedback.

The Client also needed a mobile-friendly insurance web app for car owners to enable on-the-spot access to the system wherever an accident happens.


ScienceSoft’s insurance software development team started with analyzing the prototypes. Applying the Scrum methodology, we modified them and added new features, ensuring the system’s scalability. Our specialists used the React JavaScript library for building user interfaces, which facilitated the creation of interactive and structured web apps’ screens.

Web app for car insurance companies

The web app for car insurance companies’ representatives allows them to enter accident-related details received from car owners into a table. ScienceSoft modified the table adding two more fields: VIN and mileage. We added the option to save the details the insurers get and submit them to estimation experts. Our developers also catered for different options to report the claim estimation results to the customers besides calling, such as sending an email or SMS.

Web app for car owners

web app system for car insurance claim estimation mid

ScienceSoft finished developing the web app for car owners. The car owners upload photos of their damaged vehicles and then map the inflicted damage on a 3D car model created by our 3D designers. If necessary, they can indicate more details about the vehicle parts requiring repair. Finishing this procedure, the car owners submit a claim to the estimation experts and wait until notified about the results.

Using this app, they can also follow the claim status themselves. The mobile web app for car owners allows the same functionality on a mobile device.

Web app for estimation experts

The experts use two web apps to collect text data from the car insurance companies and photos from the car owners respectively to estimate the claimed damage. ScienceSoft upgraded the latter one and added an option of the claim status tracking for the experts. This way, they can see if another expert has already taken and settled the claim and if the customer has agreed with the claim estimation.

Compliance assurance

ScienceSoft’s team performed automated testing of the web apps to ensure their functionality and good usability. Applying the microservices architecture allowed the team to deploy small, modular services each catering for a unique process and communicating through a well-defined mechanism to serve a common business goal – optimizing car insurance claim estimation processes.


The Client got an upgraded, expanded, and fully functional system of web apps for processing claims in the auto insurance domain. The solution contributed to the effective collaboration among insurance companies, car owners, and estimation experts. The car owners receive the damage estimations both from the car insurance companies and from the experts who analyzed the damage using visual testimony.

Smooth user experiences ensured by ScienceSoft resulted in greater user satisfaction with the implemented system modules compared to their prototypes. The mobile web app enabled car owners to report data right from the accident scene.

Technologies and Tools

React, AngularJS 1.4, Bootstrap, RabbitMQ, GIT, Windows services, ASP.NET MVC 5.0, ASP.NET Web API 5.2, Castle, NLog, NHibernate, Fluent Migrator, AutoMapper, MassTransit, MS SQL Server 2008, Psake, xUnit

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