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Valerie Syrokvash

I perform UX-driven business analysis for software solutions across all industries.
Senior Business Analyst and UX Consultant

After working as a business analyst in an independent UX consulting agency, Valerie came to ScienceSoft in 2016 with an ambition to participate in bigger projects. Among ScienceSoft’s large-scale projects she led to success are the development of a complex organ-scanning app for surgeons and the implementation of a full-scale ecommerce ecosystem that spans a mobile app, CRM, and a data warehouse.

During her work at ScienceSoft, Valerie always welcomed the possibility of working with a new domain and managed to grasp its specifics quickly. She applied her business analysis expertise to more than 15 projects in multiple industries, such as healthcare, retail, insurance, and entertainment. Her primary objective was to investigate clients’ precise requirements and elicit real user needs – all in pursuit of creating a concept of software that would benefit both the client and end users.

Along with being an experienced business analyst, Valerie is a certified expert in User Experience (UX) design. To ensure that each solution she worked on was efficient and user-friendly, she performed UX audits, conveyed in-depth UX research, created user personas and scenarios, and designed detailed user journey maps. Valerie enjoys sharing her knowledge with others as a frequent speaker at UX meetups and a UX trainer at BA courses.

BA is my job, UX is my passion. By connecting them, I try to bring out the best in every project I work on.

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