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Selected Success Stories from Our 4,000-Project Portfolio

Cross-Platform Document Management App for IFS ERP

Cross-Platform Document Management App for IFS ERP

Computer Vision Solution for In-Store Customer and Employee Behavior Analysis

Computer Vision Solution for In-Store Customer and Employee Behavior Analysis

New Trauma-Related Features to Extend the Client Base of a Care Management App

New Trauma-Related Features to Extend the Client Base of a Care Management App

Accessibility Features for a Leading Desktop App for Business Communication

Accessibility Features for a Leading Desktop App for Business Communication

Fully Robotized Environment to Test New Cameras for the Partner of Nikon and Canon

Fully Robotized Environment to Test New Cameras for the Partner of Nikon and Canon

Personal Task Management Apps Integrated with Google Workspace

Personal Task Management Apps Integrated with Google Workspace

VPN Apps for Windows, macOS, Linux, and Android Devices

VPN Apps for Windows, macOS, Linux, and Android Devices

Help Desk Mobile App to Provide Customer Support on the Go

Help Desk Mobile App to Provide Customer Support on the Go

Field Audit App for Restaurant and Shop Inspections

Field Audit App for Restaurant and Shop Inspections

Universal .NET Software to Automate Visma Global ERP Integrations

Universal .NET Software to Automate Visma Global ERP Integrations