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Selected Success Stories from Our 4,000-Project Portfolio

Complex Dynamic UIs for a North American Debt Management Platform

Complex Dynamic UIs for a North American Debt Management Platform

Custom Front-End with Data Visualization Widgets for Remote Traffic Monitoring System

Custom Front-End with Data Visualization Widgets for Remote Traffic Monitoring System

Home Healthcare SaaS Accounting Module Rebuilt 30% Faster Than Expected

Home Healthcare SaaS Accounting Module Rebuilt 30% Faster Than Expected

Load Testing of a Leading Edge Management Platform

Load Testing of a Leading Edge Management Platform

ML Algorithms to Identify Dental Fraud with 95% Accuracy

ML Algorithms to Identify Dental Fraud with 95% Accuracy

RFID Surgical Instrument Tracking to Save up to $155K per Operating Room

RFID Surgical Instrument Tracking to Save up to $155K per Operating Room

UX and UI for Medical Rehabilitation Software to Gain Investors

UX and UI for Medical Rehabilitation Software to Gain Investors

Automated Web Application UI Testing for a U.S. Firm Offering MSP Training Services

Automated Web Application UI Testing for a U.S. Firm Offering MSP Training Services

MRI Scans Analysis to Detect Brain Tumors Using CNN Algorithms

MRI Scans Analysis to Detect Brain Tumors Using CNN Algorithms

Incident Management Software to Reduce Accidents in Assisted Livings

Incident Management Software to Reduce Accidents in Assisted Livings