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ScienceSoft Is Among Leaders of Medical Image Analysis Software Market

ScienceSoft Is Among Leaders of Medical Image Analysis Software Market


ScienceSoft USA Corporation is listed among key players of the medical image analysis software market in the recent report issued by MarketsandMarkets Research Pvt. Ltd.

MarketsandMarkets is a competitive intelligence and market research platform that gathers statistics, analyzes data, and defines trends in 30,000 emerging and growing market opportunities in industries like healthcare, information and communication, energy and power. The company’s market analysts provide quantified B2B research to 10,000 customers worldwide.

ScienceSoft is proud to be listed among renowned industry leaders like Canon Inc., Siemens Healthineers, IBM Corporation. Having over 17 years of experience in healthcare IT, ScienceSoft offers medical image analysis software for modalities like CT, MRI, PET, ultrasound, etc. ScienceSoft’s medical image analysis solutions enable early disease diagnostics, diagnosis validation, and more.

ScienceSoft’s healthcare IT team is ready to help you design and develop a medical image analysis solution. Contact us to discuss your project.