iOS and Android Apps for Remote Baby Care
The Client is a European distributor of globally acknowledged brands, who also owns a number of product lines in various industries, including healthcare.
In 2016, ScienceSoft won the Client’s tender on a baby care system concept and created its elaborate specification. After the Client approved the specification, they requested the development of the app for iOS and Android, as well as their back end.
For the project, ScienceSoft assigned 3 iOS developers, 3 Android developers, a UI/UX designer, and a back-end developer. The team worked on the development of both iOS and Android app versions simultaneously for 11 months.
The final app can be connected to the Client’s 5 branded devices. While the first 4 devices communicate with the app via Bluetooth, the GPS smart watch uses a back end.
Natural light lamp
The app can serve as a remote control for turning the lamp on and off, as well as for adjusting the brightness of the light.
Scales and height meter
Data from baby scales and a digital height meter can be automatically transferred to the app and saved in the log.
Formula milk maker
With the app, a parent can remotely choose the amount and temperature of formula milk. The machine will then calculate the necessary amount of formula powder and make a formula of the requested temperature.
Since the thermometer device can be attached to the baby’s body for a long time, the device can collect temperature data continuously. The app will receive it at set intervals and show push notifications in case of abnormalities.
GPS smart watch
Worn by a child, the smart watch enables a simple emoji-based chat communication with a parent, who uses the mobile app. A parent can also mark a ‘safe zone’ range on the map in their app and apply this range to the watch. If the child leaves the safe zone, the watch will automatically send a push notification to the parent’s app.
The app can also generate specific statistical graphs for each device and track input history or received data.
The Client was fully satisfied with the implementation of the apps and their back end. With ScienceSoft’s help, both Android and iOS apps were published on Google Play and App Store respectively.
Technologies and Tools
iOS: Swift 3, Fractal MVVM, UIKit, Foundation, CocoaPods, Google Maps, TRON, Alamofire, Kingfisher, SwiftyJSON, JSON, Fabric, Crashlytics, OAuthSwift, ReactiveSwift/ReactiveCocoa, Mixpanel, Charts, SwiftyBluetooth, TableKit.
Android: Java, Dagger2, Retrofit2, OkHttp3, RxJava2/RxAndroid2, Firebase Cloud Messaging, Joda-Time, ButterKnife, LoganSquare.
Back end: PHP 7, Symfony 3, MySQL 5.7, MongoDB, NodeJS, Doctrine 2, RabbitMQ.